Summary of Chapters Questions Answers | Good Bye Mr. Chips Novel by James Hilton

Good Bye Mr. Chips Summary of Chapters

Summary of Chapter 1 | Good Bye Mr. Chips

Mr. Chips was a retired school teacher. He lived at Mrs. Wicket’s house for more than ten years after retirement. He was getting used to daydreaming. He was growing sleepy as most old persons do in their old age. He was sitting in his armchair in front of the fireplace and feeling cozy. He asked his landlady to fetch a cup of tea.

Mr. chips rented a room at Mrs.Wicket. Her house was right across the Brookfield. In his daily routine, he had set his schedule according to the school timetable. the toll of the school bell reminds him of the time to eat and time to sleep. He read detective novels daily at night but could read more than a page and went to sleep.

He was getting old but was not ill as doctor Merivale said about him that there was no matter with him. He was fitter than the doctor even. At the age of Mr. Chips, people usually get many diseases but Chips was the luckiest one who would die a natural death. Sometimes, when Chips got cold, Merivale told Mrs. Wicket to take care of him.

He was born in 1848 and had gone to a great exhibition when he was a child. He boasted on it. Now Chips started to remember the time when he joined Brookfield school and Wetherby was the head of the school. Chips worked at Melbury school for one year before joining Brookfield. He left Melbury School because he was mocked there.

He remembered the day of the interview at Brookfield. It was the month of July when he came there, a cricket match was being played between Brookfield and Barnhurst. One of the Barnhurst players, a chubby student made a century and Chips remembered that. Chips recollected Wetherby who was very kind and courteous.

While sitting before the fireplace, he remembered that he was the only man in the world who had the memories of Wetherby. Wetherby told Chips that he was a young man but Brookfield was an old institution. He also said to him to maintain his disciplinary measures.

Chips also remembered his first ordeal of taking the prep and conducting the class. When he entered the hall, he faced complete silence there. Someone dropped the lid off the desk. Chips punished Colley to write a hundred lines. He remembered that Colley was the son of the Colley who was punished by Chips. Everyone laughed at it.

Another laugh was that and that’s a serious laugh of becoming old. As Chips sat by his fire and autumn winds rattled the windows and the mixture of a laugh and sad swept over him. In the meantime, Mrs. Wicket brings a cup of tea for Chips but she did not whether Chips is weeping or laughing.

Short Questions & Answers Chapter 1 Goodbye Mr. Chips

Q 1: How did Chips measure his time?

Ans: He was like an old sea- captain, measured time by the signals of the past as he resided at Mrs. Wickett’s, just across the road from the school.

Q 2: What was the problem with Mr. Chips as diagnosed by Dr. Merivale? What did Chips’s doctor say about him?

Ans: According to Dr. Merivale, nothing was wrong with Mr. Chips. It was only advancing age(anno domini) that dr thought was the most dangerous disease. He added that his chest also put a strain on his heart.

Q 3: What was the name of Chips’ doctor and how often did he visit Chips?

Ans: Dr. Merivale was Chips’ doctor. He came off and on to check up on Chips and gave many pieces of advice about his health.

Q 4: What advice did Merivale give to Mrs. Wickets about Chips?

Ans: Merivale advised Mrs. Wicket to take care of him because his chest put a strain on his heart and his heart is disturbed as he had grown old.

Q 5: Why did Chips not like Melbury School?

Ans: Chips spent one year at Melbury school from 1869 to 1870. He hated that school because he had been teased there a good deal. He could not maintain discipline in his class so he left it and jumped to Brookfield.

Q 6: Who was Mr. Wetherby?

Ans: Mr. Wetherby was a fatherly and courteous person. He was the headmaster of the school in 1870, He took interview Mr. Chips and gave him some pieces of advice.

Q 7: How did Mr. Chips take his first class?

Ans: Taking first-class proved to be a tough task for him because the hall was full of five hundred naughty boys ready to attack him, He assumed a  scowl to hide his nervousness. Somebody dropped a desk lid. Chips quickly caught and punished him.

Q 8: What did Chips say when the grandson of the first Colley arrived at Brookfield?

Ans: He said, “You are a splendid example of inherited tradition. Your grandson could never learn absolutely. He was a stupid fellow. Your father was not much better, but I believe that you are the biggest fool of the lot.”

Q 9: Why did Chips keep the Brookfield time instead of the Greenwich time?

Ans: He set the time by  Brookfield and not by the Greenwich Time because the activities of his life were according to the bells of Brookfield as he lived at Mrs. Wicket’s house across the road near the school.

Q 10: How did he end his day’s activities at Mrs. Wicket?

Ans: He wound up the clock after the last bell, put the wire guard in front of the fire, turned out the gas, and carried a detective novel to read. That was how he concluded his day’s activities.

Q 11: Describe the day of the preliminary interview of Mr. Chips?

Ans: It was a  bright sunny day in July. The air was full of flower scents and the plick- plock of cricket on the field of cricket could also be heard. Brookfield was playing against Barnhurst School.

Q 12: Describe Mr. Chips’ first meeting with Mr. Wetherby?

Ans: Mr. Chips had a very pleasant meeting with Mr. Wetherby, who was an old man and was very courteous and fatherly to Mr. Chips. He gave very useful pieces of advice to Chips about improving the discipline of his class.

Summary of Chapter 2 | Good Bye Mr. Chips

Chapter 2 of Good-Bye Mr. Chips is about the establishment of Brookfield that was an old foundation and established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It was a Grammer School.

It was not as famous as Harrow. It is surrounded by the elms and looked russet in autumn. It has many playing grounds and a small village.

Brookfield School has many ups and downs and sometimes dwindles almost to non-existence. In the period of George, the main structure of the building was reconstructed and some additions were made. It also got a crisis in Queen Victoria’s reign and after the Napolean wars.

Wetherby the head of Brookfield renovated it in 1804 but it did not get the first rank position. But it got the second rank and many influential people supported it.

Brookfield produced many historical personalities like judges, members of parliament, colonial administrators, a few peers, and bishops.

Mostly, It created the merchants, manufacturers, and professional men, country squires, and parsons. In spite of this, it was a school that accepted Mr. Chips because he was moderate in education and social set up. Chips was not an intelligent person.

Mr. Chips was an ambitious man in his youth like all the other young men could think. He wanted to become the headmaster of Brookfield because he couldn’t be the headmaster of any other school of high rank. He might become a senior teacher in any other school. Gradual trials made Chips considered that he had no good qualifications.

His degree was not good but anyhow his discipline was improved now. He had no private means, and no family connections or resources. In 1880, after spending ten years at Brookfield, he realized that he could serve in Brookfield better than that of any other school.

At the age of forty, he adjusted himself and started feeling comfortable with the environment of the school. He was rooted, settled, and quite happy. In his fifties, He was the most senior member of his staff. In his sixties, in the presence of a young headmaster, he was Brookfield.

He was a guest of honor at old Brookfieldian dinners and was a court of appeal in many matters relating to history and traditions. In 1913, at the age of sixty-five, he retired from the school and was given a cheque and a writing desk and a clock and started living a Mrs. Wicket across the road. At the final party, everyone applauded him greatly.

Short Questions and Answers of Chapter 2 Good Bye Mr. Chips

 Q 1: Describe the building of Brookfield School?

Ans: It was a group of eighteen-century buildings centered upon a quadrangle. It was russet-colored and covered by autumn creepers. It was surrounded by ancient elm trees. It had acres of playing fields beyond it.

Q 2: Where was Brookfield situated?

Ans: Across the road, behind ancient elm trees, it was situated near a small village in an open fen country.

Q 3: Write a note on Brookfield as a school? What type of school was Brookfield?

Ans: Brookfield was established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth as a grammar school. It was a boarding school. It passed through many ups and downs in its reputation. Many notable families supported it. Brookfield was a good school of the second rank.

Q 4: When was Brookfield established according to Wetherby?

Ans: Wetherby said that Brookfield was established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth as a grammar school.

Q 5: How was Brookfield in its reputation?

Ans: The school passed through a crisis. Its reputation decreased at one time and became famous at another. It was a good school of the second rank and several famous families supported it.

Q 6: Why could Chips not join a better school than Brookfield?

Ans: He could not join a better school than Brookfield because he was no more brilliant than Brookfield itself.

Q 7: What did Chips dream of in his twenties?

Ans: His dream, when he was in his twenties, was to get a headship finally or a senior mastership in any of his first-class schools.

Q 8: Why did Chips join Brookfield school?

Ans: Chips joined Brookfield school because he did not like Melbury school, where he was ragged much. He also had a dream to join a better school to finally get a headship or senior mastership.

Q 9: What was the contribution of Brookfield to England?

Ans: Brookfield gave its services for England in both peace and war. It supplied many history-making men. Its students and teachers laid their lives for the country in the hour of need.

Q 10: What kind of people did Brookfield school produce?

Ans: The students of Brookfield school adopted various professions. They became judges, members of parliament, colonial administrators, a few bishops but mostly merchants and, manufacturers, professional men, and a good many country squires and parsons.

Q 11: What were the similarities between Mr. Chips and Brookfield? What is the Chips’ socio academic status?

Ans: In any social and academic sense, Chips was just as a respectable person, but not brilliant like Brookfield itself. Both had good moral values and tradition to cherish. Chips, like Brookfield, was a good teacher of the second rank as his degree was a mediocre one.

Q 12: When did Mr. Chips retire and what was he presented with on his retirement?

Ans: He was retired at the age of sixty-five in 1913. He was presented with a writing desk, a cheque, and a clock.

Q 13: What were the shortcomings of Mr. Chips that did not let him achieve his goal?

Ans: Mr. Chips felt that his degree was not particularly good, and his discipline was good in all conditions. He had no private means and no family connection of any importance.

Q 14: What was Chips’ status when he was fifty and sixty?

Ans: At fifty, he was the doyen of the staff. He was a guest of honor and court of appeal in all the matters when he was sixty.

Summary of Chapter 3 | Goodbye Mr. Chips

Chapter 3 of Goodbye Mr. Chips is about his stay and daily activities of life at Mrs. Wickett’s house. He liked his lodging that was across the road of Brookfield school. Although, it was an ugly and small room yet comfortable and convenient for Mr. Chips.

He also liked it because whenever the weather was fine, he went out towards playing ground and watched the game there. He talked and smiled with the new students. He made acquaintance with them and started inviting them on tea and served them with walnut cake, crumpets soaked in butter.

His guests watched him preparing tea for them. He would ask the new boys about their whereabouts and their connections with Brookfield school. During a conversation with them, he cared that their plates would not empty. At 5’o clock, he looked at the clock and said goodbye by saying.

Well- umph – it’s been very delightful- umph- meeting you like this- I’m sorry- umph- you can’t stay…..

He would smile and shake hands and watch them across the road. They called Chips a Decent old boy who served them with tea and at the end pushed them off. After their departure, Mr. Chips told Mrs. Wicket about his meeting with the new students when she would come to clear the remains.

He called it the most interesting meeting and told Mrs. Wickett that Branksome told him about his uncle  Major Collingwood. Both then remembered the early student Collingwood who was punished by Chips to climb on the gymnasium roof to fetch ball out of the gutter. He might break his neck for that.

He asked Mrs. Wicket about that student who might be there in Mrs. Wicket’s time. She nodded in Yes. Major Collingwood was killed in Egypt. On Wicket’s asking anything for eating, Mr. Chips said her to bring supper after chapel time. Mr. Chips spent a calm life without any worries.

His pension was enough for him and he also saved little amount. He could afford anything he wanted. His room was decorated simple and with schoolmasterly taste, with few bookshelves and sporting trophies, a mantelpiece with fixture-cards.

He had signed photographs of boys and men on the mantlepiece, a worn turkey carpet, big easy chairs, pictures on the wall, of the Acropolis, and the Forum. In the lower portion of the shelf, he had some detective novels and belles letters.

He read Virgil and Xenophon for few moments. After that, he started reading detective novels. He also liked to read leading articles in the Times and learnt a few quotations. He lived there with his quiet enjoyment of reading and talking and remembering.

An old grey-haired man, drinking tea and making him busy in correcting Brookfield’s directory. He invited new masters and new boys on tea. One of the boys in the autumn said Chips the old boy, a typical bachelor.

Short Questions and Answers of Chapter 3 Goodbye Mr.Chips

Q 1: Who was Mrs. Wickett?

Ans: Mrs. Wickett owned the house where Chips lived across the road and opposite to Brookfield. She was the Incharge of the linen-room at the school. She did care of Chips and entertained Chips’ guests.

Q 2: Where did Mr. Chips live after his retirement?/ Why did choose Mrs.Wickett’s house?

Ans: After his retirement Chips lived at Mrs. Wickett’s house because it was situated opposite to Brookfield school. Moreover, it was easy for Chips as he liked to walk across to the playing grounds of Brookfield whenever the weather was pleasant and suitable for him.

Q 3: How did Chips welcome the new students?/ How did Mr. Chips entertain his guests at Mrs. Wichett’s?

Ans: Chips was a very hospitable man. He entertained his guests warmly. He invited new boys to tea at Mrs. Wickett’s house. He served them with walnut cake having pink icing. He himself made tea for his guests.

Q 4: What kind of books did Chips read?

Ans: Chips read classical books of literature, history, and detective novels. Inspector French and Doctor Thorndyke were his favorite novels.

Q 5: How was Chips’ room furnished at Mrs.Wickett?/ What kind of room was given to Mr. Chips?

Ans: It was decorated simply with a schoolmasterly taste. There were a few bookshelves and sporting trophies. A mantlepiece covered with fixture cards and signed photographs of boys and men were also there. The other things were including worn Turkey carpet, a big easy chair, pictures of Acropolis(Greek cities), and the Forum(court or tribunal) on the wall.

Q 6: What did Chips think about Latin and Greek?

Ans: He thought of Latin and Greek as living languages once spoken by living people. He considered them far more than dead languages from which Englishman ought to know a few quotations.

Q 7: What sort of life did Mr. Chips enjoy at Mrs.Wickett’s after retirement?

Ans: He enjoyed a  pleasant, peaceful life at Mrs.Wicket. He had no worries. His pension was enough for him and there was a little money saved up besides. He could have everything and anything he wanted.

Q 8: Who was Collingwood?

Ans: Collingwood was a naughty student at Brookfield. After that, he became Major and killed in Egypt. Once, Chips forced him to climb onto the gymnasium roof to fetch a ball out of the gutter. He won a D.S.O ( Distinguished service order) and became a Major in Army.

Q 9: Narrate the activities of Mr.Chips  after retirement?

Ans: After retirement Mr.Chips was busy doing different activities including taking tea, receiving callers, getting busing in corrections of the Brookfiledian directory, and writing his occasional letter to the Times.

Summary of Chapter 4 | Goodbye Mr. Chips

Chapter 4 is related to the most important incident of the novel, the meeting with Katherine at the Great Gable and marriage in 1896. Mr.Chips was now 48 years old and was contented and satisfied with his career as a school teacher at Brookfield school.

Living at Mr.Wickett’s, he engrossed into recollections of Katherine and Brookfield. He was appointed as a housemaster at Brookfield and he started getting busy in house mastership and teaching classical languages.

Now during summer vacation, he went to Lake District with his colleague Rowden. Both spent a week there when suddenly, Rowden had to come back and Chips left alone at the farmhouse in Wasdale Head.

One day he decided to mount at Great Gable where he noticed a girl waving passionate at a dangerous cliff. Chips went to her thinking that she might be in trouble but he himself slipped and wrenched his ankle.

Coming closer to the girl, Chips felt that the girl is actually waving at her friend far away down the mountain. The girl being an expert climber, rescued Chips. He did not like such type of modern ladies and was not comfortable in their presence.

He was a reticent and conservative person and his life centered around Brookfield. He did not like Bernard Shaw and Ibsen as writers who were liberal and in the favour of women’s independence. Chips also hated the craze of women cycling and the newness and freedom and had vague ideas about it.

He thought the modern women weak, timid, and delicate who nice men talked to them at distance. But his concept was changed by his rescuer who helped Chips at Great Gable. The name of that girl was Katherine Bridges and she was twenty-five years old.

Her eyes were blue and flashing and her cheeks were freckled and had brown hair who was also staying at the farm with her friend. She thought herself responsible for Chips’s injury and started visiting Chips by her bicycle. Chips was a middle-aged and serious-looking man for her.

Chips was at her mercy but soon he realized that he might need it. Katherine was a governess and out of job. She read Ibsen and was in favor of women’s rights. She thought that women ought to get admission in universities and had a right to vote also.

She had radical ideas in politics and also liked Bernard Shaw and William Morris. She articulated her ideas to Chips and Chips could not contradict them. Soon he started walking with a stick and listened to her talk. He admitted that she was a beautiful girl.

Katherine changed Chips ideas of modern women. He never met such a woman who with her positivity changed Chips absolutely. Katherine had also never met a person like Chips. She considered such persons boring.

But she liked Chips due to his gentle manners and he was an honest man overall. She liked his brown eyes and he looked graceful when smiled. She said to Chips when she heard that everyone at school called him Chips

Of course, I shall call you Chips, too.

Within a week, both deeply engaged in love. They thought themselves engaged and at last, they married in London before the autumn term started.

Short Questions and Answers of chapter 4| Goodbye Mr.Chips

Q 1: Why was the spring of 1896 very dear to Chips?

Ans: The spring of 1896 was very dear to him because it was the same year that he met Katherine Bridges when he was 48 years old.

Q 2: Where did Chips stay at Lake District?

Ans: He stayed at Wasdale Head where he boarded in a small farmhouse.

Q 3: Who was Rowden?

Ans:Rowden was a Chips’ colleague who went along with him to the Lake District and stayed there for a week. He had to return due to some family business after a week.

Q 4: How did Mr.Chips come across Katherine Bridges for the first time?

Ans:During his visit to the Lake District, he came across Katherine when he was climbing on Great Gable. He noticed a girl waving excitedly from a dangerous ledge. Thinking her in danger, he ran to help her but got his ankle wrenched. Later she came to rescue Chips.

Q 5: How did Katherine rescue Chips?

Ans: When Chips slipped and got an injury on his ankle, Katherine came to save him. She helped him and took him to the farmhouse where Chips was staying. She nursed him during his injury.

Q 6: What is the most interesting incident in the novel?

Ans: The accident meeting between Chips and Katherine is the most interesting incident. This meeting of Chips and Katherine was a turning point in the novel which changed Chips’ life

Q 7: What was Chips’ idea about women?/ How did Chips feel about the modern women?

Ans: He never felt easy and comfortable with them. The new woman of the 1890s filled him with horror. Chips did not like the modern newness and freedom asked by women.

Q 8: What type of a man was Chips at the time of meeting Katherine?

Ans: He was a quiet, conservative person and the world seemed to him full of unpleasant changes. He disliked this modern newness and freedom.

Q 9: What was the general appearance of Katherine Bridges?

Ans: She was twenty-five years old and young enough to be Chips’ daughter. She had blue flashing eyes, freckled cheeks, and smooth light brown hair.

Q 10: What were Katherine’s ideas?

Ans: In politics, Katherine Bridges had radical ideas. She read and liked Ibsen, a very radical writer. She had a belief that women must get admitted to the universities. She even thought that women must have the right to vote.

Q 11: When and where Katherine and Chips got married?

Ans: A week before the beginning of the autumn term in 1896, they got married from the house of Katherine’s aunt in Ealing, London

Q 12: How did Katherine Bridges initially think of Mr.Chips?

Ans: She always thought that middle-aged men who read The Times and disapproved of modernity were terrible bores and Chips is of the same type but later her ideas were completely changed.

Q 13: Why did Katherine like Mr.Chips?

Ans: She liked him because he had gentle and quiet manners, and thought his opinions were old, yet very honest. After liking his character, she started liking his appearance, brown eyes, and his smile.

Q 14: Who were Bernard Shaw and Ibsen and why did Chips dislike them?

Ans: They were modern writers who were radical in their ideas. Chips disliked them because their writings were full of innovations. The ideas they presented were the most objectionable for the conservative people. Their plays were also disturbing for the society.

Summary of Chapter 5 | Goodbye Mr.Chips

Chapter 5 consists of the details of the incident that happened in 1986. It covers the recollections of Katherine Bridges who was beautiful addition in Chips’ life. During daydreaming at Mrs.Wickett’s house, Chips thought about his injured foot that caused a signal of service.

This was the cause of tremendous events that he did not remember now. But he thought about the Great Gable that he never visited since. He could see the mouse grey depths of wastewater, re-smell the air after the rain and re-follow the pass across Sty. Head.

He also remembered the dizzy happiness, the evening walks by the waterside, her cool voice, and her gay laughter. She was always happy. Both chips and Katherine were passionate, planning together for the future but he was a bit serious and afraid too.

He thought that she might mingle with the boys and would be happy as the wives of the other housemasters. She liked boys and would enjoy living there. She said Oh, Chips, I’m so glad you are what you are.

She was afraid that Chips might not be a solicitor, a stockbroker, a dentist, or a big businessman. She considered it more important to teach young boys that matters to the world.

Chips had not thought like that before. He dis his best in teaching. Katherine appreciated Chips’s change in teaching. Another remembrance that stuck to his mind and he shared with Katherine.

He told Katherine his insufficient academic qualification, his discipline difficulty, his inability to not being promoted, and his intelligibility of not marrying a young girl. She just laughed and said nothing.

Both married in Ealing at Katherine’s aunt’s house and one night before marriage, Katherine said in a respectable mood, Shall I call you sir or- would Mr. Chpis be the right thing? Mr. Chips, I think. Good-bye, then Good-bye Mr.Chips

Short Questions and Answers of Chapter 5 Goodbye bye Mr.Chips

Q 1: What were Katherine’ideas about Chips’ teaching?

Ans: She thought school mastering a very different and important profession because in teaching one could get a chance to influence those who would grow old and matter to the world.

Q 2: What did Katherine think about Chips’ profession at the start?

Ans: She thought that he might be a solicitor or a stockbroker or a dentist or a man big cotton business in Manchester.

Q 3: How did Chips depreciate himself?/What did Chips tell Katherine about his weakness?

Ans: Chips devalued himself by telling her that he had an insufficient degree and could not maintain discipline. He told her that he had no private links or family relations and was not able to get a promotion.

Q 4: What did Katherine say to Chips on the night before their wedding?

Ans: Katherine said to Mr.Chips mockingly on the night before their marriage that she felt like a new student starting his first term with him. When Chips left her house to return to his hotel, she said to him Goodbye Mr.Chips.

Q 5: Where did they get married?

Ans: Katherine’s parents had died so she got married from the house of an aunt in Ealing. Their marriage was a great success.

Summary of Chapter 6 | Goodbye Mr.Chips

This chapter is another episode of the memories of Katherine that surround Chips while living at Mrs.Wickett’s. There came a time of happiness in Chips’ life that he remembered long after. He could not believe whether it could occur in the world.

His marriage with Katherine was a victorious thing. She won not only Brookfield but also Chips. She was liked both by the students and faculty of Brookfield school. Even the wives of other house masters who were first jealous of her charming personality now appreciated her.

She brought a revolutionary change in Chips who was a dry person before marriage. He was liked but not inspired by everyone. He was at Brookfield for more than 25 years but in spite of doing something great, he became the part of dry rot of pedagogy.

He was honest, hardworking, conscientious, and gave students the services of satisfaction, confidence, and everything except inspiration. Then came the beautiful girl Katherine in his life who made Chips a new man.

Her newness provided warmth to Chips’s old, imprisoned, and unguessed emotions. His eyes attained spark and his mind started working vigorously. One thing that he had always in himself was his sense of humor that was polished and matured now.

He felt more strength and his discipline was improved and less rigid now. When he joined Brookfield, he demanded love, respect, and obedience. He gained all at that time but now he was loved by the students

He started cracking little jokes, mnemonics, and pun that raise laughter as well as learned by the students. Whenever he taught Lex Canuleia(law from the Roman History) that permitted patricians to marry plebeians, he presented its example and all laughed at it.

Katherine changed his views to see the country beyond Brookfield that sounded one of its tributary streams now. Katherine had a more sharp mind than Chips and he could not refute her ideas but he remained conservative in politics.

He did not like her radical socialist ideas in politics but the new and old ideas presented a beautiful mixture. Katherine convinced Chips in arranging a football match between Brookfield and mission school and it was never thought before.

Everyone rejected her idea but she was stuck to her idea. She argued Chips and said that all others are wrong while she was right in doing so because she could foresee in the future. She felt that this could end the difference between the upper and lower classes. She said

You can’t satisfy your conscience by writing a cheque for a few guineas and keeping them at arm’s length. Besides, they’re proud of Brookfield – just as you are

Chips then agreed and supported Katherine’s idea. Brookfield authority got ready for arranging a match between Brookfield and Mission school. Mission school played soccer with Brookfield but defeated by seven goals to five.

At the end of the match, they were served with tea. they met with the head and visited the whole school. They left a fine impression of Brookfield school and brought the memory of a beautiful woman Katherine.

Years after that a private military officer who was from the popular team came there during the 1st world war. He met Chips and asked about Katherine. Chips asked him whether he remembered Katherine.

He replied in Yes and said that everyone should remember her. But Chips got sad as no one remembered her. People came and gone but no one remembered her. He told him that his wife died in 1898.

He got sad and told Chips that he and his friends remembered Katherine and that was a memorable day for him. He wished that day would come again. Soon he had to move to France and during the war, died at Passchendaele.

Short Questions and Answers of chapter 6 Goodbye Mr.Chips

Q 1: How popular was Katherine in Brookfield? How was Katherine received at Brookfield?

Ans: She was received very warmly at Brookfield. The wives of the other master first felt jealous of her but were soon enchanted by her personality. She became much famous with the boys and masters alike. She conquered Brookfield.

Q 2: How was Chips’ marriage with Katherine? Was Chips’marriage successful or not?

Ans: The marriage was greatly successful and Chips was totally changed now. She won Brookfield and also had won over Mr. Chips.

Q 3: What kind of fellow was Mr.Chips  before marriage?

Ans: Chips was a dry as well as a neutral sort of person before his marriage. He was respected but was not a popular teacher till then.

Q 4: What change did Katherine bring in Chips?

Ans: She made him a new man. His eyes gained shining and his mind began to think positively. His sense of humor grew and his discipline was improved and better now. He became popular with the boys. Moreover, she broadened his views and ideas.

Q 5: What was the joke about Lex Canuleia?

Ans: Lex Canuleia was a law that had given permission to Patricians(noblemen) to marry Plebeians(low class). Chips used many jokes and puns to explain this law. He cracked a joke about Mr  Patrician and Miss Plebs that please the boys.

Q 6: What were Katherine views he gave to Chips about the Mission in the East London?

Ans: She suggested that a team from Mission School should come up to Brookfield and play with one of the school’s teams at soccer.

Q 7: What was the result of the soccer match between the teams of Brookfield and Poplar boys?

Ans: The boys from Mission School were defeated by seven goals to five.

Q 8: What was the impression of Katherine on Poplar boys?

Ans: She exercised a pleasant impression on Poplar boys. They had very pleasant and beautiful memories with them, especially the memory of an excellent woman who had met and talked to them.

Q 9: When and how did Chips get the love of boys?

Ans: Chips got the love of boys after his marriage. He became kind but soft to the students. His jokes and mnemonics were responsible for making him more loveable among the boys.

Q 10: What was Katherine’s view about class-distinction?

Ans: She did not believe in class-distinction. She believed that England would be a country free of class distinction near the future. She believed in social equality.

Summary of Chapter 7 | Goodbye Mr. Chips

Chapter 7 is a continuity of  Katherine’s memories. Her recollections came like a flood in Chips mind and made his life radiant. Brookfield bell ringing takes him into the realm of  Katherine’s reminiscence of running into the corridors, Laughing at some howler, and playing the cello on Mozart trio in the concert.

He recalls how she looks in furred and muffed in December house matches. She attended a prize distribution party in the school garden. She used to give good advice in little matters.

She tried to convince Chips to be lenient with the boys whenever they did any mistake. Chips said to Katherine: Don’t know Kathie, but I do know that. One black sheep can contaminate others. And some times, she forced Chips for the severe punishment for the arrogant boy.

Years after, he thought about many incidents that now had become part of the past and wanted to capture those incidents in his memory for good before the complete annihilation. He remembered the affair of Archer’s resignation that was a queer matter.

He also recollected how Dunster put a rat in the organ-loft when old Oglivio was doing choir- practice. Oglivio died and Dunster drowned at Jutland. Many had forgotten that incident But Chips remembered many boys from the tenure of Queen Elizabeth.

Many masters and their dynasties, different epochs of Brookfield school were in Chips’mind. He remembered how the old fifth form was transformed into a pit. All were lost like Livy’s lost books.

There were many incidents in Chips memory like what happened in Brookfield when Cromwell fought at Naseby? What was the reaction of Brookfield at the 1945 war? what news came from Waterloo? and the time of 1870 when he appeared before Wetherby in an interview.

While living at Mrs. Wickett, He tried to jot down all the incidents in the exercise-book but he got tired both mentally and physically. Along with this, he did not feel any flavor in those recollections now.

He asked Mrs. Wickett about Ruston who had gone to Burma for a Government job. Ruston was a very interesting man. In his daydreaming before the fire, he thought of the times and incidents (funny and sad, comic and tragic) in which he could take a secret interest, and someday he would make a book of the incidents.

Short Questions and Answers of Goodbye Mr.Chips

Q 1: How did Katherine help Chips in the matters of discipline?

Ans: She improved his discipline with some useful suggestions. She advised him to be lenient in ordinary matters but in serious cases, she urged him to be strict and unforgiving.

Q 2: How did Katherine urge Chips to forgive the students for their mistakes?

Ans: She mostly urged Chips to forgive the students for their mistakes and gave solid arguments to convince him. But, she said to him that he should be strict in serious matters when he wanted to forgive.

Q 3: What would Chips think when he remembered the things of the past?

Ans: He thought to write all his memories relating to Katherine and Brookfield school down and make a book of them.

Q 4: What were the difficulties Chips faced when he tried to write down a book on Brookfield?

Ans: He could not write a book on his memories because writing made him tired physically and mentally. Moreover, he also felt that some memories had lost their beauty and flavor when they were written down.

Q 5: Who was Dunster?

Ans: Dunster was a naughty boy at Brookfield who put a rat in the organ loft while old Oglivio was taking choir practice. Dunster got drowned at Jutland.

Q 6: How did Katherine help Chips in his job?

Ans: She played an active role in managing school functions. She had been a good player of cello and a fine musician. She gave her advice to arrange the garden party before the speech on the prize-day giving. She also proposes to improve his discipline.

Q 7: Why did Chips want to write a book?

Ans: Chips wanted to preserve his golden beautiful memories in the form of a book. He had prepared some casual notes but could not compose the notes in the form of a book due to some problems.

Q 8: What memories of Katherine haunted Chips?

Ans: The golden memories of their married life haunted Chips. He remembered how she used to advise him in matters of discipline, school functions, and other problems. The memories of their first meeting were always a matter of happiness in his mind.

Summary of Chapter 8 | Goodbye Mr.Chips

This chapter reflects Chips’ sad and tragic condition because his dearest and beloved wife Katherine had died during childbirth. He also lost his child.

This happened in the year 1898. He could not forget the reminiscence of the spring season of 1898 when he was strolling in the Brookfield village.

It seemed to a nightmare and he wanted to escape from that place into a world where the sun spread its light and everything would be different for him. Suddenly, a student Faulkner had met him on the way and asked for an afternoon off.

Chips allowed him but he again asked to miss chapel and the permission to receive his relatives at the station. Chips got furious and permitted him in rude words. His wife and his child both died and he also wanted to die. He nodded and went on.

He did not want to meet anyone or receive any condolence messages from others. He wanted to get used to the circumstances if he did so. He took his fourth form as usual and set the students to learn grammar.

He sat at his desk but was cold and expressionless and was in a trance when someone had given him many letters. He opened all the letters but found them blank. He took no interest in them but after many days, he came to know that it was a part of April foolery.

Short Questions and Answers of Goodbye Mr.Chips

Q 1: What were the Chips’s feelings on the death of Katherine?

Ans: Chips was very sad on the death of Katherine and his child. He was so much disturbed that he did not want to talk to anyone or receive condolences. I t was a horrible nightmare for him and he wanted to escape into an outside world

Q 2: What did Chips receive on 1st April?

Ans: He received many letters on 1st April. Each letter contained a blank sheet in it. It was a part of April foolery.

Q 3: What was the importance of blank letters received by Mr.Chips on the day when Katherine Bridges died?

Ans: Blank letters were pieces of April foolery that could be a symbol of the dull and drab life that Mr.Chips would have after his beloved wife’s death.

Q 4: Who was young Faulkner?

Ans: Young Faulkner ( A student from Brookfield school) met Chips in Brookfield village on the day of Katherine’s death. He came to have the afternoon off because his relatives were coming. Chips allowed him to go.

Q 5: Describe Katherine’s tragic death?

Ans: Katherine died during childbirth. Chips was so sad on her death that he himself wished to die

Summary of Chapter 9 | Goodbye Mr.Chips

This chapter consists of the details that are about Chips’ life after his wife’s death. Chips was changed completely after his beloved wife’s death. He changed his boarding from the capacious rooms of the school to his old bachelor apartment.

He wanted to change his house mastership but on the enforcement of the head, he did not do that and was happy for being involved in the work. Everyone felt the change in Chips. He turned into an old man. The bereavement made him an aged person.

 It was not that he became less active in work because he could still make a half-century in the ground. He was getting old but people noticed him now. He was now 50 years old. Once during a match, a student Naylor called him an old man at the age of 50.

 After years at the age of 85, Chips chuckled at heart and said to him that Naylor would be then of 50 years. Chips called him young at that age. I was myself….a mere infant… Chips now got a mellowness and he harmonized his jokes. His discipline difficulties were removed.

He had got all the privileges because he deserved them all and gained a position equal to schoolmasters and parsons. He wore his gown till it tattered to hold it.

His way of marking the students’ roll call was different. He called every student one by one and Chips verified them individually.

The way he put his glasses on his nose and looked before his glasses had become a laughing stock for everyone. He recalled the names of all the students in a way that he was giving an example of the hexameter.

He pondered where all the students had gone. He held all the threads together but all scattered. He could perceive a change behind Brookfield school.

He remembered that Katherine did not impart all her mind but she left him with solace and calmness with his own inward emotions. He was neither against Boers nor was in their favor.

He felt that they were in a kind of struggle that match to the old English heroes like Hereward the Wake and Caractacus. He did not care even L. George when he came to Brookfield.

Mr. Chips called him that he was much improved now. The head felt himself ashamed but George did not mind it.

Short Questions and answers of chapter 9

Q 1: What was the effect of Katherine’s death on Mr.Chips

Ans: Katherine’s death deeply affected Chips. He was grieved much at this great loss. All the boys and faculty of Brookfield started noticing for the first time that he had grown old. He left the spacious apartment and shifted to his original bachelor’s quarter and continued to be the housemaster to keep him busy.

Q 2: Where did Chips shift to when his wife’s died?

Ans: After Katherine’s death, Chips shifted from his spacious apartment to his original bachelor’s quarter.

Q 3: What changes came in Chips with the new century?

Ans: With the new century, Chips became mature and did not feel different about his own work and worth. Moreover, his discipline was improved and he faced no discipline problem.

Q 4: How did Chips take call over?

Ans: He took the students’ list and held it over a board and each boy said his name as he passed. Chips looked at every student to verify and then ticked off on the list. His verifying look, steel-rimmed glasses slipping down his nose, and lifting one eyebrow a little than the other one was a favorite thing of mimicry at the school.

Q 5: What did Chips say to Mr. Lloyd George?

Ans: He said that he was old enough to recollect him (L.G) as a young man. Moreover, he confused that he seemed to him to have improved a great deal.

Q 6: What were the feelings of Mr. Chips for the Boers?

Ans: The Boers were from the Dutch descendants who were living in South Africa. Although Chips was not a pro- Boer, and he did not like the people who were pro- Boers yet he thought that their struggle was similar to certain English heroes.

Q 7: Who was Lloyd George?

Ans: Lloyd George was the Prime Minister of k. His government was thrashed by economic problems and trouble in Ireland. He came as the guest of honor to Brookfield on Speech Day.

Q 8: Who was Naylor and what did he say about Chips?

Ans: Naylor was a boy who called Chips an old chap at the age of fifty when he was playing cricket. He became a lawyer later on.

Summary of Chapter 10| Goodbye Mr.Chi

This chapter gives some more details of Chips’ remembrances. In 1900 the old Meldrum was succeeded Mr.Wetherby. Mr. Meldrum served Brookfield school for thirty years.

Suddenly, he died with pneumonia, and Chips was appointed as an acting Head of Brookfield. It was the possibility that the Governors might make Chips’ appointment permanent.

But anew young man was selected as the Head of Brookfield School instead of Chips and Chips did not lose heart. He was thirty-seven years old and was glittering with Firsts and Blues.

Mr. Ralston was a milder and less ferocious person who might create silence just by lifting of an eyebrow. Chips recollected the days before his retirement in 1913. It was in May morning when students were gathered in the Big Hall.

Ralston gave the news of the death of King Edward the seventh and announced a half-day holiday but called the students for service in the Chapel. Chips also remembered the railway men’s strike. It was a fun time for students.

Chips was their Incharge. A student Cricklade came to Mr. Chips and asked about the striker if he came across with any student. What the student would do then. That student showed the attitude as if they were released from the zoo.

Chips arranged a meeting with Mr. Jones (a striker) with that boy. It was spread all over the Brookfield that Mr. Chips was in conversation with a striker. It sounded that Chips had a relation with that striker.

He remembered that Kathie would have approved it and would get amusement. Whatever the circumstances came, Chips always had trust in Brookfield because that school could fit itself into an English setting.

Chips remembered the Diamond Jubilee of England when there was a holiday for a whole day. He had taken Kathie to London to see Procession. She was sitting in the carriage like a crumbling doll.

Chips thought about whether it was a century or an epoch. Then the period of King Edward came into his mind like a flash. He reached there in his imagination and started visualizing everything.

The strikes and lockouts, champagne, suppers, and unemployed marchers, Chinese labor, tariff reform, home rule for Ireland, Doctor Crippen, suffragettes and chatalija.

Chips was listening to the explanation of Virgil’s poetry from the 4thform. All students were involved except Grayson who was careless and silent. Chips punished Grayson and said him to stand behind.

But after sometimes, a news of the Titanic had come through and Grayson’s father had sailed on that ship. Grayson was excused from punishment. But his father was saved. Chips shook hands with pleasure.

 Short Questions and Answers of Chapter 10

Q 1: What do you know about Meldrum and how did he die?

Ans: Mr. Meldrum was the headmaster at Brookfield. He joined Brookfield after Wetherby. He served three decades at the school. He died of pneumonia in 1900.

Q 2: When did Chips become acting head of Brookfield?

Ans: Chips was appointed as an acting head in 1900 when Mr. Meldrum died. In this short time before the new appointee of Mr. Meldrum.

Q 3: What kind of person was Ralston? Write down four qualities of Ralston?

Ans: Mr. Ralston was a mere youngster of thirty-seven. He was excellent both in studies and co-curricular activities. He was a modern educationist. He was a live wire and a fine power transmitter. He was such a person as he could make the Big Hall to silence by simply lifting his eyebrow.

Q 4: Chips had taken Kathie to London, why?

Ans: He took Kathie to London to show the procession on the Diamond Jubilee of England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

Q 5: Who was Mr. Jones?

Ans: Mr. Jones was one of the railway strikers who met the students of Brookfield when they were keeping watch the railway line. He was the in-charge of the signal box at the railway station.

Q 6: Describe some features of the Edwardian decade?

Ans: There were strikers, lock-outs, champagne suppers, unemployed marchers, tariff reform. Suffragettes and Home Rule for Ireland which marked the Edwardian decade.

Q 7: What duty was given to the students of Brookfield during the strike?

Ans: The railwaymen were on strike and the soldiers were driving the engines. Brookfield boys were guarding the railway line because stones were being thrown at the trains. Everything was great fun for them.

Q 8: What do you know about Grayson and why was he nervous? What news about Grayson came finally? 

Ans: Grayson was Chips’ student whose father had gone on the Titanic. He was disturbed because he heard no news about his father but later on, the news came that his father was saved.

Summary of chapter 11 | Goodbye Mr.Chips

This chapter reflects the quarrel between old Mr.Chips and the young school head Mr.Ralston. Chips being lost in the memory of Brookfield School and Katherine, recollected his row with Ralston. It seemed to him a funny thing because he never liked Ralston.

Ralston was efficient, ruthless, and ambitious but not likable. Although Ralston increased the status of Brookfield and he was a power transmitter but one had to be beware of him. Chips had never aware of him and served him willingly and loyally.

Chips knew that Ralston also did not like him. But he was a senior teacher and continued his services. Suddenly, in 1908, when Chips turned sixty, he was called by Ralston who said to Chips;

Mr.Chipping, have you ever thought you would like to retire?

Being startled, Chips stared at him and said, No- umph- I cant’s say- that umph- I have thought much about it. Then Ralston asked him to retire and told him that Governors would give adequate pension.

Chips flared up and informed him that he was not going to retire. Both got entangled and then Ralston said him coldly that he was not performing his duties well and his method of teaching was slack and old-fashioned.

Ralston said Chips clearly that he was not going to tolerate him anymore because his personal habits were also slovenly as he was wearing a tattered gown and a subject of continual amusement across the school.

Ralston also taunted him on his teaching Latin language in the old style. Chips got wild and gave the example some words and their correct pronunciation as to use kickero instead of Cicero and the other word we kiss him instead of vicissim.

But Ralston said him plainly that he wanted to run Brookfield in modern ways. He considered Latin and Greek old dead languages that should be taught in a dead educational technique. And Chips’lessons of Greek and Latin were the same when Ralston started his headship ten years back.

But Chips used to teach these languages from the period of Wetherby and Meldrum. Ralston called Chips that he lived in the past and not up to date with the modern world. The students’ parents demanded more than the learning of old languages.

Ralston wanted to run Brookfield like a factory, a factory that may produce a snob-culture based on money and machines. In Ralston’s tenure, most of the students were rich. He wanted to make Brookfield a school like Eton and Harrow.

Chips then said nothing and at door turned and said that he would not intend to resign. A small boy who happened to meet Ralston overheard all about the fight between Chips and Ralston. He informed his friends and then the students told their parents.

In a very short time, everyone came to know that Ralston insulted Chips and demanded his resignation. Everyone supported Chips. They were afraid of Ralston but did not like him. Ralston was thoroughly unpopular among all.

All the students, their parents, and even the school faculty had sympathy for Chips. One day The Chairman of the Governors Sir John Rivers, visited Brookfield and took Chips by the arm and walked around the deserted cricket ground and said

Chips, old boy, I hear you’ve been having the deuce of a row with Ralston. Sorry to hear about it, for your sake- but i want you to know that Governors are with you to a man.

Rivers told Chips that could stay here for a hundred years if he felt like it. Often Remembering that Chips got emotional and broke down. He talked about him with Mrs.Wickett.

Short Questions and Answers of chapter 11

Q 1: What sort of person was Ralston?

Ans: Ralston was ruthless, ambitious, energetic and a fine power- transmitter.

Q 2: What did Ralston suggest to Mr.Chips?

Ans: Ralston suggested Chips to retire. He also told him that the Governors would agree to give him an adequate pension.

Q 3: What did Ralston do the status of Brookfield?

Ans: It was Ralston who raised the status of Brookfield as a school. He became a cause of increased endowment funds through different tricks. The number of students increased very much. There was a long waiting list of the students the first time in history.

Q 4: What was the reason that led to the quarrel between Mr.Chips and Ralston?

Ans: Mr. Ralston was a modern man and an educationist, he disliked the old styles teaching of Mr.Chips. He leveled many allegations against him and asked him to resign but Mr.Chips denied to obey him, so a row got started between both.

Q 5: What did Ralston aim to make Brookfield?

Ans: Ralston was a man of modern ideas. His aim was to make Brookfield a thoroughly up to date and modern school. He desired that every subject, including the Latin and Greek, should be taught in a modern style of teaching.

Q 6: How did Ralston double the school’endowment funds?

Ans: He increased the school endowment funds by some trick ways on the stock exchange. He went to different London clubs and urged people to get their children admitted to the Brookfield.

Q 7: How was Ralston running Brookfield according to Chips?

Ans: According to Chips, Ralston wanted to run Brookfield like a factory for producing snob-culture that could base on money and machines.

Q 8: Why was Ralston not liked at Brookfield?

Ans: Ralston was not a popular among the faculty and students at Brookfield. His behavior was  a boss. Chips and other teachers disliked him because his intention  was to run Brookfield like a factory. The Chairman and the Governors also did not like his shrewdness.

Q 9: What did Chips think about the new style of Latin pronunciation?

Ans: Chips did not like the new pronunciation. He thought it a lot of nonsense. He did not want to pronounce Cicero as kickero.

Q 10: Who was Sir John Rivers?

Ans: He was once a student of Mr.Chips at Brookfield and later became the Chairman of the Governors. He visited  Brookfield when he had heard about the row between Chips and Ralston. He did not care  Ralston and assured Chips of his full support.

Q 11: What sort of gown was of Mr.Chips that used to wear?

Ans: Mr. chips wore a tattered gown. Ralston also did not like it and told Chips that it became a subject of continuous amusement at school.

Q 12: Who was that student that broke the news of the quarrel between Ralston and Chips?

Ans: A little boy waiting to see Ralston listened to the row. Instantly, he told it to his fellows about . The news spread like wildfire and everyone sided with Mr.Chips.

Q 13: What did the Chairman of the Governors informed Chips about the retirement?

Ans: Sir John Rivers,The Chairman of the Governors, supported Chips in his quarrel with Ralston. He told him that he and his governors did not want him to resign. Brookfield would not be the same without him. He could stay there till he was a hundred years if he felt like it.

About the Author

Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

127 thoughts on “Summary of Chapters Questions Answers | Good Bye Mr. Chips Novel by James Hilton

  1. Mam wese I don't like this novel mrs chips.. is ki jga pr PAKISTAN k logo ke bare me hona chahiye.. like Hazarat Muhammad (SAW) Muhammad Ali jinnah etc. Mam apka kiya khiyal h ??

  2. Yes, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) life and teaching should be included in the syllabus but it is in the syllabus so we will have to learn it.but now many steps are being taken to bring reforms in curriculum

  3. Nevertheless= anyhow
    Epilogue = the last section of a book.the ending portion
    Collingwood = a character in the novel
    Quadrangle= square
    Napoleonic= it is belonging to Napoleon Bonaparte like Napoleonic war

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