Why I Love Pakistan Essay With Quotations | For All Classes

Why I Love Pakistan Essay
This essay why I love Pakistan is prepared specifically for the intermediate part-II students and for all the learners. It covers quotations and all aspects on the topic of why I love Pakistan.


Why I Love Pakistan Essay

Alexander Pope, an English poet recites:

He serves me most who serves his country best


Patriotism is a fervid fountain from which springs the sweet stream of love. It is the fervent fondness for one’s country, nation, tradition, laws, and even land. It is a faithfulness to the country’s people, government, constitutions, and institutions.
No doubt, a man becomes emotionally attached to where he lives. So, patriotism is a natural passion. I also love my country passionately. I love my country for its ideology. Probably, this is the only state in the world that was established on the basis of an idealogy.
Pakistan is an Islamic democratic state. It was created in the name of Islam. Its constitution is totally based on Islam principles. It is considered a significant and sacred citadel of Islam. It is a sanctuary where we feel safe and protected.
Here the Muslims are free to live their life according to the golden rules of their religion. The Muslims follow the footsteps of their forefathers. I love my country for its people. It is the place of great men. It is the place where Quaid-e-Azam had lived.
It is the place of the great religious scholars like Data Ganj Bukhsh, Khawaja Ghulam Fareed, and Baba Bulle Shah had lived. It is the country where great poets like Faiz, Hafeez Jalindhari, and Majeed Amjad had taken their last breath. It is the place of great freedom fighters who laid their lives for its defense. 
And then it is the place where Dr. Abdul Qadeer khan lives. May Allah bless him with honor and sound health. I love my country for its beautiful scenery, golden tradition, and fertile fields. Its surging stream, The rushing rivulets, and fast-flowing freshets soothe my soul. Walt Whitman, a U.S poet recites:

A great city is that which has the greatest men and women

I love it for its perennial plants, mighty mountains, tall trees, balmy breeze, amiable atmosphere, rushing rivers babbling brooks, singing streams, rustling rill, verdurous valleys, and sweet-smelling surrounding. I love it for its beautiful, serene, calm, and placid atmosphere. Emily Bronte, a British poet, and novelist recites.

For the moors, for for the moors where the short grass like velvet beneath us should lie! For the moors, for the moors where each high pass Rose sunny against the clear sky.

It is the land of long-standing culture, time-honored traditions, solemn rituals, and long-established customs. It is the land of ancient civilization. Its historical places like Mohunjodaro, Harappa, and  Taxila are known for their ancient heritage, antique traces, and primal relics. Mathew Arnold says:
Culture is the passion for sweetness and light and the passion for making them prevail.

I love my country for its natural resources. Oil, coal, natural gas, marble, precious stones, and many types of minerals are found here. Its rural areas possess immense rural fascination and natural beauty. Its cities sparkle with colorful gala and festivity.

I love my country for its domestic culture, legal code, and jurisprudence. As far as the situation of law and order is concerned, it is stable. People are prosperous and well-off. The policies of the government are always prone to facilitate the masses.

As I love my country, I have devoted all of my time to its prosperity and welfare. I am resolute to publicize the ideology of Pakistan in the circle of my acquaintances and friends. May my efforts result in success!

Pakistan, with all the faults, I love thee still, My country!

About the Author

Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

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