One Art by Elizabeth Bishop Main Idea Critical Aspects Important Questions

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

About the Poet

Elizabeth Bishop (February 08, 1911 – October 06, 1979) was an Evangelist nunΒ and a celebrated poetess was born in the U.S.A. She graduated from Vassar College andΒ began writing and traveling.Β 


Her book of poems, North & South got her the title ofΒ poet laureate of the United States, and its later edition got the Pulitzer Prize, in 1956. HerΒ work includes poems In the Waiting Room and One Art, the short story In the Village andΒ verse collection Geography III.


Bishop switched to poetry during her stay in Vassar College. She studied English atΒ Vassar College where she took courses including 16th and 17th-century literature and theΒ novel.Β 


She published her first collection in the college magazine.Β Bishop was intenselyΒ inspired by the poet, Marianne Moore, to whom she was introduced by a librarian atΒ Vassar in 1934.Β 


She loved to visit different places and used to explore their exotic culturesΒ which also appeared in her major works such as North and South.Β Two years afterΒ publishing her last book, Geography Ill (1977), she died of a cerebral aneurysm in 1979.


Main Idea/ Theme of the One Art / Critical Aspects


The poem, One Art is written by a famous modern American poetessΒ Elizabeth Bishop. In this poem, she advises us to accept life with all its pains, problems, and hardships. She trains us through this poem the art of losing things.Β According toΒ her, the art of losing things is, in fact, the art of acceptance and resignation.
SheΒ gives some examples to prove her point of view. She says that she herself has lost theΒ keys, names of places, watch of her mother, cities, provinces, kingdom, and theΒ company of dearest friends.Β 
She remembers them for the charms but controls her passions.Β She is not upset at their loss. She advises the readers that they should bearΒ the loss of different things with a brave heart. In order to be skillful in the art ofΒ losing, one must lose one thing daily.

Theme or moral lesson of the poem

Elizabeth Bishop teaches us a moral lesson through this poem. Our life is full ofΒ pains, troubles, losses, disasters, and success. She believes that life is full of hardships andΒ miseries. The art of accepting difficulties is not difficult but requires patience andΒ resignation.Β 
We should overcome the problems of life if we want to live a peaceful life. WeΒ should not be sad over the loss of things. She repeats the basic theme of the poemΒ again and again, that one must be mastered in the art of losing.


Style of the Poetess

In, this poem, the style of poetess is descriptive and realistic. Through herΒ simple language, she has explained a serious, sensible, and worldly-wise message. She isΒ actually mocking the nature of those people who over their small losses.



This poem is criticism and satire on those people who consider themselvesΒ wise and intelligent and do not want to lose anything. They think that they are suchΒ people who will not lose anything in their lives. But when they lose anything they becomeΒ sad and remain in sorrowful condition. The poetess humorously points outΒ their foolish nature.

Use of Irony

The first line of this poem is ironic, Tho art of losing isn’t hard to master, If we analyzeΒ this statement, we can say that she is saying the art of losing thing is veryΒ difficult A person cannot be mastered in losing of things easily But the poetess in anΒ ironic manner advises us that the art of losing things is not a difficult art. It is very easy to learn.




Stanza 1

The art of losing isn’t hard to master,

So many things seem filled with the intent

To be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster

Of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.

The art of losing isn’t hard to master.


Reference and Context

This stanza has been taken from the poem One Art by Elizabeth Bishop.Β In her poem One Art, Elizabeth Bishop advises us to learn and master the art ofΒ losing.

She claims that learning such an art is not a difficult task. We should not be sadΒ over the loss of things. We should build a spirit of acceptance as well as resignation.Β This attitude will make life easy and joyful.




In these lines, the poetess claims that the art of losing is not difficult to learn. She saysΒ that we must learn this art. If we have such an art, the loss of things will bring no trouble forΒ us.Β 
She recommends that we should lose things on purpose, in order to master the art ofΒ losing. We should not be uneasy and restless due to the confusion caused by the loss ofΒ door keys or the loss of time badly spent.
We should try to bear the loss with a brave heart.Β If we overcome such initial losses, we shall be able to face the greater lossΒ easily.


Stanza 2

Then practice losing farther, losing faster,

Places and names and where it was you went.

To travel none of these will bring disaster.


Reference and Context

Same as in the first stanza.


In these lines, the poetess humorously advises us to get perfection in the art of losing. She says that we should lose bigger and more expensive things frequently and quickly.Β 
If we forget the names of the people and places. It should not cause us any anxiety. This act of forgetting will not bring any destruction to our lives. We can easily bear such common losses if we do not complain.Β 

Stanza 3

I lost my mother’s watch. And look; my last, or

Next to last, of three loved houses went.

The art of losing isn’t hard to master.


Reference and Context

Same as in the first stanza.



In these lines, the poetess describes her own experiences of life. She quotes her personal experiences that she has lost the precious watch gifted to her by her late mother. She has also lost one of the three houses that were very dear to her.
Now she has managed to reconcile herself to the loss. She took all these losses with a smile on her face. She overcame these losses very successfully. Hence the art of losing is not very difficult to practice in life. These little losses do not cause a completely healthy and happy life.

Stanza 4

I lost two cities, lovely ones, and vaster
Some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent
I miss them but it wasn’t a disaster.

Reference and Context

Same as in the first stanza


In these lines, the poetess tries to produce in us a spirit of patience.Β She says that she has lost two beautiful cities as well as some vast kingdomΒ includingΒ two rivers and a continent.Β 
These cities were the part of her life and she alwaysΒ remembers their beauties and enchanting sites, but this loss does not bring disaster inΒ her life. She is leading a peaceful life without them. She feels the absenceΒ of these things and remembers them fondly, but these losses do not bother her.

Stanza 5

Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture

I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident

The art of losing’s not too hard to master

Though it may look like (Write it) like disaster.

Reference and ContextΒ 


Same as for the first stanza


The poetess has expressed lofty ideas in a humorous manner. She claims that sheΒ is so perfect in the art of losing that she can easily and happily lose her lover, his lovingΒ voice, and happy gestures.Β 

She can overcome even the greatest lossΒ because she has mastered the art of losing. Although her losses appear fatal andΒ killing yet she believes that with the help of art of losing one can face and bear such lossesΒ too.
Although her ideas do not seem practicable yet they are thought-provoking and can helpΒ us in facing the greatest challenges of life with a brave heart.


Important Questions and Answers


Question 1

The poetess Elizabeth Bishop in her poem ‘One Art’ stresses upon theΒ reader to learn the art of losing things. Do you agree with her?

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Or

Do you agree with the poetess that the art of losing is not hard toΒ master? How can we master this art?

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β Β Or

How can we master the art of losing? Discuss.Β 

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β Β Or

One Art is the art of losing: How can we master this art? Explain.



The poetess has repeated the line the art losing isn’t hard to masterΒ four timesΒ in the poem. She advises us that the most trifling incidents and the greatest disastersΒ should be faced without tears.Β 
The art of losing prepares us to faceΒ difficulties with a smiling face. Her tone and attitude are mocking, non-serious, andΒ frivolous but the message is serious, sane, and sensible.Β 
We agree with the poetess that the art of losing is not hard to master because it is notΒ only an art. It is just a careless attitude towards life. Life is full of hardships, obstaclesΒ and losses.Β 
Only our careless attitude can escape us from them. For example, the loss ofΒ near and dear ones or the precious objects cannot be faced as easily and lightly as theΒ poetess claims.Β 
But the question is, what we can do for the losses over which we have noΒ control? The wise answer is that we should learn to forget them. Is there any best way exceptΒ it?Β We should have acceptance and resignation.Β 
This will prove better for us.Β We can be mastered in this art easily if we face the bitter realities of lifeΒ with a stout heart. We should never forget that through suffering. The art of losing prepares us to bear with the greatest loss easily.

Question 2

Bring out the elements of satire, humor, and irony in the poem.



In her poem One Art, Elizabeth Bishop has beautifully explained the elements of satire, humor, and irony. These elements are given below one by one.



The poetess satirizes those people who become sad over the loss of petty things orΒ forget names. They ruin their health and happiness. They cannot give up this habit. SheΒ wants to tell the people that they should not panic at the loss of trivial things.


The humor in the poem is harmless. When she addresses her lover and tells himΒ that she won’t find it difficult to live with his loss. Here she seems to be bluffing. She is onlyΒ being humorous to increase the appeal of her poem.

We simply laugh at that timeΒ when poetess says that a person should lose one thing every day. We also laugh at such aΒ person who learns the art of losing things by practice.



Irony means the difference between appearance and reality. The poetess saysΒ TheΒ art of losing isn’t hard to master. If we analyze this statement, we can say that she isΒ saying the art of losing things is very difficult. A person cannot be mastered in the art of losingΒ things easily.Β 
In an ironic way, the poetess tells us that the art of losing things is notΒ difficult. A person can learn this art easily.Β In short from beginning to end, the poem is full of the elements of satire, humor,Β and irony.Β 


Question 3

According to the poetess, losses cannot bring any youΒ agree?Β 

What is the central idea or basic theme of the poem “Ono Art” byΒ Elizabeth Bishop?



In this poem, the poetess has discussed a very important and serious theme but theΒ attitude is somewhat mocking and non-serious. She has urged us to learn and master theΒ art of losing things.Β We should produce in us a spirit of acceptance and resignation.Β 
TheΒ less cf the door keys or loss of an empire should be accepted with a smile on our face. It isΒ only in this way that the loses its bitterness and we form a healthy attitudeΒ to face the odds of our life is full ci pains, troubles, losses disasters and success.Β 
She believes that lifeΒ is full of hardships and miseries- The art of accepting difficulties is not difficult but requiresΒ patience end resignation. We should overcome the problems of life if we want toΒ live a peaceful life.Β 
We should not be sad over the loss of things. The poetess advises us toΒ lose something everyday end then develop the courage to tolerate it. Sometimes we feelΒ grieved end ruined over little losses and make our life miserable.Β 
But if we make it a habitΒ to lose and not care about it, it would develop in us a healthy approach towards the ups andΒ downs of life.Β The poem carries a message. It teaches usΒ  that we should practiceΒ losing things quickly and frequently.
We should not cry over the loss of petty losses.Β We can live happier and in our life if we are masters in the art of losing.

About the Author

Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

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