Education for Women Essay for College Students | Smart Syllabus

Education for Women Essay

Education for Women

Outline of essay


  • The good educational system of a country brings progress and prosperity
  • Education is a function of democracy

Education for women is necessary

  • The percentage of education in Pakistan is 59.13%
  • The female education percentage is low than men

Female education is to be given due importance

  • More schools and colleges for women should be opened
  • Special attention is to be given to the training of teachers
  • Education mothers are good housewives and better halves
  • Women should get an education for the sake of enlightenment


The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim
The education system of a country brings progress and prosperity for its people. Education makes people civilized, cultured, and law-abiding. Education is a function of democracy. The present political chaos in the country is the direct result of a lack of proper education.

Education is transformational. It literary changes lives. That’s why people work so hard to become educated

Education is an equal right of men as well as women. Girls are said to the light of home. If they are educated they will lighten the whole environment where ever they go. The percentage of education in Pakistan is 59.13%. It is very low as compared to that of there other countries.
A woman with true education is the best instrument to change society
The female percentage is low. It is evident from the number of boys and girls educated institutions in the country. The major population also 70% living in villages is completely neglected.
If we want to have harmonious growth, female education is to be given due importance in the national planning schemes. More schools and colleges are to be opened across the country. At least, primary education must be free and compulsory both for men and women.
More shares are to be allotted for the purpose in the national budget. Special attention is to be paid to the training teachers. Teachers are the builders of the nation. If the women get an education, they can prove better citizens.
Females can teach female students to respect the superiors, the teachers, and the laws of the country. Educated mothers are good housewives and better halves. They manage the house in a better way, look after the family,  take care of the comforts and health of the family.

The education of women is the best way to save the environment

If they are educated and religious-minded, they can help in improving the moral tone of society. It is a dire need of the time. They can block the current flow of public corruption. They can induce love for goodness, truth, and justice among the youths.
The women should get education for the sake of enlightenment and knowledge., and not for competing with their counterpart-men. It results in social problems like late marriages, unsuitable matches, the problem of unemployment.
A female factor in services has closed the doors of employment for many able men. Instead of vying which men and assailing the masculine fields, they should help and coordinate the males in the best inters of the society and the country.
There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free, and educated woman
Religion Islam has given various duties and responsibilities to men and women. They can best serve the nations by following its precepts. The will of God must prevail upon the will of the believers. There lies true emancipation for women.

About the Author

Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. She has a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

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