Principles of Business Communication for Effective Communication

7 Principles of Business Communication

Communication captures an important position in the world of business. To communicate easily and effectively with others one should apply some principles. These principles are seven in all and begin with the alphabet ‘C’. These are given below.

  1. Clarity
  2. Correctness
  3. Conciseness 
  4. Courtesy
  5. Concreteness
  6. Consideration
  7. Completeness

1. Clarity

Clarity means to give a clear sense of the message to the receiver. The receiver should get the same idea that the sender wants to communicate. The writer should think carefully about the topic and write the main points of the message. After that, he should make a rough draft of the letter and then revise it.

How to gain clarity:

  • Think carefully because clear writing is the result of clear thinking.
  • Use short and simple words.
  • Include examples, illustrations, and all those things which help the reader to understand the message.

For example:


  • Being an excellent lawyer, I am sure you can help us. 
  • After planting two hundred plants, the deer came into our botanist’s farm and crushed them.


  • Being an excellent lawyer. you can surely help us. 
  • After our botanist had planted two hundred plants. the deer came into his farm and crushed them.

2. Correctness

For effective communication, a business letter should be correct and accurate from the first word to the last word. There should be no mistakes in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. All references and figures should be written carefully. An incorrect letter creates a bad impression not only of the writer but also of the business management.

How to gain Correctness:

  • While writing figures one should be very careful.
  • Every letter should be carefully written and revised before it is mailed.
  • Punctuation and capitalization should be carefully checked.
  • The level of language should be kept in mind.

3. Conciseness

A good business message should be as short as possible. The writer should not beat about the bush rather he should write everything about the topic. Vague words and expressions should be avoided. As businessmen are busy like a bee, they have no time to read unimportant long letters.

How to gain Conciseness:

  • Avoid wordy expressions.
  • Include only relevant material.
  • Avoid unnecessary explanations.


  • At this time
  • In due course of time
  • There are four rules that should be followed


  • Now
  • Soon
  • Four rules should be followed

4. Courtesy

No amount of money and effort can promote as much goodwill as a courtesy can. Courtesy increases good relationships among different business organizations. It is because everyone likes polite words. Courtesy is not simply the style or the language only but to reply promptly to all letters is also courteous.

How to Gain Courtesy

  • Harsh words should be avoided at every cost.
  • Use expressions that show respect


  • Stupid letter, I cannot understand any of it.
  • .Clearly, you did not read my latest fax.


  • It’s my understanding.
  • Sometimes my words are not very precise; let me try again.

5. Consideration

In the world of business, fruitful planning demands consideration for the reader because, in the communication process, the receiver is the most important person. 

Thus a writer should give due attention and care to the reader. Always try to handle the matter from his point of view. This thoughtful approach is also called ‘you attitude’?

In four specific ways you can indicate that you are considerate:

How to Gain Consideration

  • Focus on “you” instead of I and we.
  • Show the reader’s benefit or interest in the reader.
  • Emphasize positive and pleasant facts.
  • Apply integrity to your message.

Less Considerate

  • You failed to enclose the cheque with the envelope

More Consideration

  • We have not received the cheque.


  • We have not received the cheque

When a reader receives a business letter. He assesses how it affects him and his business and what action he needs to take on it. A direct or personal approach which the ‘you attitude’ ensures will transmit the message to him quickly and produce the desired response, however, this does not mean that the writer should completely suppress his own interests. He should exhibit how their interests are common and promoted.

6. Completeness

A good business letter should be complete in every respect. It should contain all those facts which are necessary to attract the reader. A writer should not send an incomplete letter. The element of the five “w’s” plays an important role in this regard. These are who, when, where, what, and why.

Completeness is closely related to clarity. Moreover, a complete message brings desired results. It also builds goodwill.

How to gain Completeness

  • Provide all necessary information.
  • Answer all the questions asked.
  •  Explain anything if necessary.


The consignment should reach us next week.

Complete send us the consignment of our address on or before October 10, 2006.

7. Concreteness

This principle shows that a message should be specific and definite. Without concreteness, a message will be vague and misleading. Our message can be easy if we use concrete facts and figures.

How to gain Concreteness

  • Always use specific facts and figures.
  • Put active verbs in the sentences.
  • Choose vivid, image-building words.


  • She is a brain.
  • The tests were administered 2. by an experienced professor.


  • Her results in school show that she is very intelligent.
  • An experienced professor administered the tests.

Final thoughts

For easy and effective communication, one should apply the mentioned principles of business communication. These principles are seven and begin with the alphabet ‘C’. Clarity: Clarity is to give a clear sense of the letter to the reader. The reader should get the same idea that the writer wants to communicate.

Correctness: For effective communication, a business letter should be correct and accurate from the first word to the last word. Conciseness: A good business message must be as brief as possible.

The writer should not dive deep but write everything about the topic. Courtesy: No amount of money and effort can promote as much goodwill as a courtesy can. Courtesy increases good relationships among different business organizations.

Consideration: In the world of business, fruitful planning demands consideration for the reader because, in the communication process, the receiver is the most important person.

Completeness: A good business letter should be complete in every respect. It should contain all those facts which are necessary to attract the reader. Concreteness: The principle shows that a message should be specific and definite. Without Concreteness a message will be vague and misleading.

About the Author

Nisar Sipra

Nisar Sipra is a dedicated educationist with over 12 years of experience. Passionate about advancing educational content digitally, he focuses on elevating organizational efficiency and promoting digital literacy. Committed to aligning online educational resources with search engine standards for a valuable and authoritative presence.

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