The Eclipse Quiz for Students of 4th Year | Online Exam Preparation

The Eclipse Quiz

The Eclipse Quiz for Students of 4th Year


1- The essay “The Eclipse” has been written by;
     (a) Jane Austen         (b)Virginia Woolf
     (c) Maya Angelo       (d)Virginia Austen
2- “The Eclipse” is a________essay.
     (a) narrative            (b) serious
     (c) descriptive         (d) comic
3- A very large number of people were traveling to__________
     (a) east                  (b) west
     (c) south                (d) north
4- The Eclipse took place________

     (a) England          (b)America
(b)India                (d)Russia

5- The Eclipse took place on__________night

(a)  July               (b)August
  (c)  June              (d)September

6- The people were coming to see  at _________

(a) night              (b) after noon
(c) evening          (d) dawn

The eclipse remained only for_________

(a) five minutes              (b) twenty-four seconds
(c) twelve seconds          (d) eight seconds

8- The consciousness of the whitish soft canopy above us________in weight as the hours passed.

(a) minimum                (b) decreased
(c)increased                  (d) not effected

we were no longer in the same relation to people, houses and trees; we were related to the_____

(a) whole country              (b) whole world 
(c) whole public                (d) whole nation

10- Everything was very_____

(a) blue                  (b) black
 (c)pale                   (d) yellow


11- The river and fields looked_______

    (a) colorless               (b)waterless
(c)waving                   (d)empty


12- We had come out, not to lodge in the bedroom of an inn; we came for______hours of disembodied intercourse with the sky.

(a) few                    (b) a few
(c) the few              (d) a little

13- At the time of the solar eclipse, they thought that their_________

 (a) sun god                (b)moon god
(c)earth goddess        (d) all

14- Now the farmhouse door would open, and out would step to join the procession the farmer and his family in their________, neat, dark and silent as if they were going uphill to the church.

(a) Monday clothes       (b) Sunday clothes
(c) Friday clothes          (d) Saturday clothes

15- We had an odd sense of keeping an appointment with_________of such vast proportions that he would come silently and be everywhere.

  (a) an actor                  (b) a doctor
(c) a judge                     (d) a writer

16- All the people realized that the sun was being___________

(a) showed                       (b) defeated 
(c) reached                       (d) cleaned

17- Their relationship with everything was__________ and unique

(a) old                       (b) new
(c) familiar               (d) bright

18- _______we were at the meeting place, on a high fell.

(a) in the time            (b) by the time 
(c)on the time            (d) after the time

19- The writer herself and other people reached on Stonehenge which was the temple of_________

(a) worshippers                             (b) star worshippers
(c) sun worshippers                     (d)  moon worshippers

20- We had________ the little badges and signs of individuality.

 (a) put off                      (b) put on
(c) put out                      (d) put in

21- We were strung out against the sky in outline and had the look of statues standing prominent on the ridge of the______

(a) country                  (b) nation
(c) world                     (d) earth

22- We were men and women of the primeval world come to__________to the dawn

(a) welcome                        (b) see
(c) salute                             (d) greet

23- Suddenly, from the motorcar of some Yorkshire squire, there bounded_________large, lean, red dogs, hounds of the ancient world, hunting dogs, they seemed, leaping with their noses closes to ground.

 (a) four          (b) two
(c) five          (d) three

24- This was rising. A cloud glowed as a white shade glows when the light is slowing______behind it.

(a) turned on        (b) turned up
(c) turned off       (d) turned down

25- As the solar eclipse began, the starter held his_______in his hand, counting the seconds.

(a) watch                             (b) calculator
(c) magnetic  compass        (d) all of these

26- The sun had to race through the clouds and to reach the_______-, which was a thin transparency to the right, before the sacred seconds were up.

(a) position              (b) sky
 (c) goal                    (d) none of these

27- The clouds flung every________in his way.they clung,they impeded.

(a)clear                                  (b) obstacle
(c) removed the obstacle       (d) none of these

28– The sun could be felt, flashing and flying when it was_______

(a)invisible          (b) visible
(c) appeared        (d) b & c

29- The sun ___________through clouds

(a) escaped                  (b) dashed 
(c) run                          (d) passed

30- Its speed was tremendous. Here it was out and bright: now it was______

(a)under               (b) visible
(c) lost                  (d) a & c

31- Finally, the sun was under for its____effort. Now it was completely blotted out.

(a) 1st           (b) 2nd
(c) last          (d) whole

32- The sun was tearing and racing behind the clouds to win free, but the clouds_____him.

(a) held           (b) controlled
(c) overcame  (d) non of these

33- Of the 24 seconds only_____remained, and still, it was obscured.

(a) 6         (b) 4
(c) 5         (d) 7

34- During the eclipse, the blue turned to_____the white became livid as at the approach of a violent but windless storm.

(a) pink        (b) dark blue
(c) yellow    (d) purple

35- During the eclipse pink faces went green, and it became____then ever.

(a) hotter        (b) colder
(c) normal      (d) non of these

36- The flesh and blood of the world was_____, only the skeleton was left. It hung beneath us, frail shall, and brown dead, withered.

(a) present      (b) live
(c) appeared   (d) dead

37- The whole fabric of civilization was______and molded.

(a) scheduled       (b) modeled
(c) arranged         (d) made

38- The earth we stand on is made of____, color can be blown out and then we stand on a dead leaf and we who tread the earth securely now have seen it dead.

(a) dark          (b) light
(c) colourless (d) color

39- The writer draws a conclusion, the colors of the world are not______

        (a) permanent      (b) temporary
(c) disappeared    (d) appeared

40- In fact, the whole human civilization depends for its lifeblood upon the______

(a) color        (b) moon
(c) sunlight    (d) earth


About the Author

Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

12 thoughts on “The Eclipse Quiz for Students of 4th Year | Online Exam Preparation

  1. Thank u so much mam for the core of my heart ….this is the perfect effort for us ..if we avail focusly 'i hope 'we successful…again thanks mam. ..Allah bless u

  2. Students! It you are learning by this data ,you people are going good. Keep doing efforts in positive direction ,your parents should feel proud because of you.

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