Quiz On Walking on the Moon Lesson-6 B.A Part-2

Quiz On Walking on the Moon

Walking on the Moon


  1. David R. Scott is an American engineer and retired_____.

(a) Police officer

(b) Army officer

(c) Professor

(d) Air Force officer

  1. Who wrote the essay walking on the moon?

(a)ย ย ย  Richards

(b) D.H.Lawrence

(c)ย ย ย ย  Forster

ย (d) David R Scott

  1. David R. Scott went onto extraterrestrial voyage as the commander of the Apollo mission to the Moon in ______.

(a) 1972

(b) 1969

ย  (c) 1971

(d) 1970

  1. David R. Scott left the space program in______ to enter private business in Los Angeles.

(a) 1975

ย  (b) 1977

(c) 1978

(d) 1976

  1. David R. Scott wrote a book in_____.

(a) 2001

(b) 2002

(c) 2003

ย  (d) 2004

  1. The writer of the essay has also been the pilot of _____ air force.

(a) British

ย  (b) American

(c) Russian

(d) Italian

  1. David R. Scotts landed on the moon by the order of President______.

(a) Jim

(b) Alexander

ย  (c) Canady

(d) George Bush

  1. When does the David R. Scott get training along with other astronauts in______.

(a) 1960

(b) 1961

(c) 1962

ย (d) 1963

  1. After getting the training of eight years, he passed the period on the____ from July 28, 1971- to- August 7, 1971.

ย  (a) Moon

(b) Hebrides

(c) Land

(d) None of these

  1. David R. Scott entered to the Orbit of the moon by the Apollo 15 endeavor in_____.

(a) 27 July 1971

(b) 29 July 1972

ย  (c) 28 July 1971

(d) 30 July 1972

  1. What did David R. Scott gather from the surface of the moon?

ย  (a) Stones and soil

(b) Stones and leaves

(c) stones and woods

(d) stones and pieces of iron

  1. How many hours did they stay at the moon with his companions?

(a) 65 hours

ย  (b) 67 hours

(c) 66 hours

(d) 68 hours

  1. A big experience they felt on the surface on the moon that is_______.

(a) heavyweight

(b) tiredness

(c) weightlessness

(d) none of these

  1. David R. Scott and his companions felt difficulty in walking on the moon due to to______.

(a) Fast wind

ย  (b) gravitational force

(c) Heavy dust

(d) Hotness

  1. What did the color the writer and his companions see, when they saw down from the moon?

(a) Red

(b) Blue

ย  (c) Grey

(d) Brown

  1. They stayed on the moon for______ hours each day.

(a)ย ย ย  ย 7

(b)ย ย ย  8

(c)ย ย ย ย  9

(d)ย ย ย  6

  1. The names of the companions of David R. Scott are;

ย  (a) James Irwin and Alfred warden

(b) Rudolph and Joseph

(c) James Adam and Andrew

(d) Joseph and Larkin

  1. It took each_______ hours to complete the full circle of earth’s ancient satellite.

ย  (a) two

(b) four

(c) three

(d) five

  1. While circling around the moon, they saw a scene that was very______.

(a) ย Bad

ย  (b) pleasant

(c) Unpleasant

(d) strange

  1. According to David R. Scott the harsh light splitting of the sun______ their eyes.

ย  (a) dazzled

(b) flooded

(c) crushed

(d) closed

  1. At the time of the sun rising long light rays which were basically______.

(a) brining lights

(b) smoke

ย  (c) gases

(d) shadow

  1. David R. Scott observed the speed of light that was_______ than a second.


ย  (b) lessย 

(c) equal

(d) none of these

  1. Everything was like_______.

(a) blue-colored

(b) Grey colored

(c) Green colored

ย  (d) Chocolate colored

  1. The period of each day on the moon

(a) 255 hours

ย  (b) 355 hours

(c) 256 hours

(d) 356 hours

25. Where did the astronauts keep their watches?

(a) Washington

(b) New York

ย  (c) Houston

(d) New jersey

  1. For______ David R. Scoff and his companions have been crammed into the tight confines of the spacecraft.

ย  ย (a) four

(b) five

(c) six

(d) none of these

27 What weight did the writer and his companions observed on the surface of the moon?

(a) one fourth

ย  ย (b) one-sixth

(c) one fifth

(d) one third

28. To walk or move on the moon the writer and his companions have to apply extraordinary____.

(a) courage

(b) knowledge

(c) wise

ย ย  (d) force

29. On the surface of the moon, the soil looked like_____.

(a) soil on earth

ย  (b) talcum powder

(c) floor

(d) sand

  1. The temperature on the moon’s surface in the morning is;

(a) 120 F

(b) 140F

ย (c) 150F

(d) 160 F

  1. The smell of the moon dust is like_______.

(a) burnt wood

(c) burnt plastic

ย  (b) gun powder

(d) Talcum powder

  1. The astronauts left the feather of _______on the moon.

(a) Crow

(b) Sparrow

(c) Hawk

(d) hen

  1. Everything seemed________ and undisturbed on the moon.

ย  (a) still

(b) moving

(c) swaying

(d) circling

  1. They traveled to search for the moon only for the welfare of_____.

(a) a single society

ย ย  (b) man

(c) birds

(d) none of these

About the Author

Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Masterโ€™s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

19 thoughts on “Quiz On Walking on the Moon Lesson-6 B.A Part-2

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